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Socialism is the Answer

You’re in a conversation and someone says, “Socialism ensures a just and equal society. The only way to guarantee a basic standard of living for everyone is by adopting a socialist system.” What would you say? At some point, we all look around at the problems in our society and wonder if there’s a better

Porn Improves Relationships

You’re in a conversation about pornography and someone says, “Porn isn’t a problem for relationships. It can even be helpful.” What would you say? Some people claim that porn is not only harmless, it may even increase intimacy for couples. But is that true? No, so next time someone tells you that porn is a

Should We Panic About Overpopulation?

You’re in a conversation and someone says, “The earth is overpopulated. At this rate, we’re going to run out of food and resources.” What would you say? Panic-stories like this get a lot of attention, but none of Ehrlich’s doomsday predictions came true. No worldwide famine. No catastrophic scarcity of resources. In fact, Ehrlich’s models

Assisted Suicide is Compassionate

You’re in a conversation and someone says, “Assisted suicide is a compassionate option for those who are suffering. If someone is in unbearable pain, they should be able to end their life on their own terms.” What would you say? The push to legalize assisted suicide has intensified in recent years, and it’s often framed

Pornography is Just Entertainment

You’re in a conversation and someone says “Porn is just harmless entertainment.” What would you say? Often, people describe pornography as an expression of personal freedom, or just a bit of harmless and innocent fun. But is that true? Is porn just another way to relax? The next time someone tells you pornography is just

How to Talk About Climate Change – Part 2

You’re in a conversation and someone says, “We must do anything and everything to stop climate change.” What would you say? In the last video, we discussed two questions that can help us really understand the current situation about climate change: What it means that the earth is warming, and whether or not the warming

How to Talk About Climate Change – Part 1

You’re in a conversation and someone says, “We need to do anything and everything to stop climate change.” What would you say? From the global Paris Climate Accord, to demands that we all buy LED lightbulbs, concerns about climate change have shaped government policies and personal choices alike. We should care about the environment. After

A Good God Wouldn’t Allow the Coronavirus

You’re in a conversation and someone says, “Why would God allow the coronavirus? There cannot be a loving and all-powerful God, who would let people suffer like this.” What would you say? Many people think the existence of evil and suffering disproves the existence of God. After all, if God is loving, He would want

Is Critical Theory Practical?

You’re in a conversation and someone says, “Critical theory helps identify and end oppression, so anyone who cares about putting a stop to oppression should support critical theory.”   What would you say?   Critical theory is the idea that any human society can be divided into two groups: those who have power and those

Is Critical Theory Biblical?

Is Critical Theory Biblical? You’re in a conversation and someone says, “Since God cares about the oppressed, Christians should embrace critical theory, because its trying to eliminate oppression too.” What would you say? Critical theory is one way our culture attempts to explain and confront power structures. Some Christians have embraced it as well. But

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